Like the mountain, the peak of it is difficult to reach. Remember that they are also people and not demigods. If you want to find him/her, don’t look in the sky, but try to find them on the land.
You think that true love waits and destiny itself will find the way for the two of you to meet and get together. It MIGHT be possible but PROBABLY not. If you want to see him/her, go out, explore! Don’t just wait in a corner of the house…and remember that half of the population is your RIVAL!
3. You’re not ready to settle/scared of commitment
You’re too scared to commit/enter a relationship. You want to experience it and yet you are never prepared for it.
4. You’re looking for Mr/Miss Perfect
Nobody is perfect. Even you, you are not perfect. This is just a commercial term being imposed by movie makers to attract viewers – it’s all about FICTION. Everyone has flaws. If you insist to believe that, be ready to be single forever.
5. You don’t have the initiative
Don’t wait. Do something about it. Show your intention and express your feelings. Nothing will happen without doing anything. A relationship is formed through mutual efforts – it’s a two way process.
Men like women who are vulnerable sometimes, like a damsel in distress. They want to be your knight in the shining armor than you can lean and depend on. They don’t like a SUPERWOMAN who can literally do everything!
And at last, when you are tired thinking of the reason which suits you, try and go in front of the mirror and look at your reflection. The definitely you will find the answer WHY YOU’RE STILL SINGLE!
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©Utsav Kumar for
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